Where do people shop these days? That’s the question we here at The Forsalist asked ourselves and our readers. Now we finally have the results, with 16 surveys filled in Paradise Hills and West City come out on top.
Paradise Hills leads the charge with 12 votes and West City followed with 6 votes, which for the record is possible due to the fact that voters were given the chance to select multiple cities for their answer.
Paradise Hills is undoubtedly known for megastore Aramega, run by Arakorni who often wakes up to thousands of chestshop notifications, running the largest and best stocked store on the server. Other stores in the city include Teslo and Blockazon and a couple of regional stores as well.
Meanwhile West City is home to locations of all major retailers with the exception of Paradise Hills based Aramega. In West City you can find Blockazon, Rays Inc, RPD’s and many more stores.
While we at the redaction of the Forsalist have often found West City locations to be out of stock, it turns out that West City still garners a lot of economic activity. With retail chain Crafters ran by GrootZZ and Vihq having had over 11,000 transactions in its store.
It’s no surprise really that those two cities come out on top, most cities don’t really have any large stores and if they do, the locations are often not stocked. Which is an overall problem with most retailers, like Teslo which until recently had about 24 barely stocked locations and recently started tackling that problem, which you can read more about in this article here.
Another entry in the survey was Empire Boulevard, an ambitious entry by Bayview president Cakey, who recently won a second term as president following a hard-fought election against Oza.
Empire Boulevard can’t be taken serious at the moment, as it lacks any major retailers and certainly doesn’t have a lot of stocked stores. Nor is Bayview advertising the place heavily enough for players to know about the hard to reach store boulevard.
It’s going to be interesting to see Cakey attempt to turn Bayview into a new economic centre, however with West City’s strength of having over 10 large brands and Paradise Hills having Aramega and a soon to open Teslo megastore, that might be harder then expected.