Slowely eating the world, How Fresco is challenging the market.

Mr_Bloomberg (AKA ~Bloom) Has lately been expanding his business

Fresco. With many owned plots and built stores now Fresco tries to become as big as stores like SFC or GSNR.  I asked if I could interview him and see

what happens behind the scenes of the whole Fresco company.

How did Fresco start?

~Bloom: Well Fresco was created by a user called marvelman who later went inactive. Fresco then

was later purchased by BloomSkunk Incorperated for F14.000.

Who is your target demographic?

~Bloom: The MiddleClass Shopper has always been our target demographic as we wish to provide goods at an

affordable price to those across the server. We try to sell the things that matter and that people really need.

What are you planning for the future of Fresco?

~Bloom: Well that’s a tough question. Fresco Inc is expanding at a rapid rate we’re looking

to improve our business relations GSNR and do something to help hellominers together instead.

We wish to expand into some markets and give players apartments and cheap everyday items

accross Hellominers

1.12 million for private city plots, why not one big government plot?

~Bloom: The fact of the matter is why don’t we remove every private city and just have government cities.

Because we all started in private cities. OreStore for example (which owns multiple shops in private

cities) has generated over 600K in sales in 2016. We don’t live of off governmental cities and not everyone lives in one.

Who is your biggest competion?

~Bloom: to be honest i don’t see major competitors on HelloMiners apart from the city market.

Let’s take Fresco for instance. If it’s out of stock they’ll just go over to GSNR to

buy and sell their stuff. And if GSNR is out of stock they’ll just do the same if the user

isn’t online. The city market is a lot more competitive than the retail market.

Are you going to enlist into the “HMCSM” (HelloMiners Stockmarket Comany)?

~Bloom: No, We will stay a fully private company for the duration that I am the acting


What is your advise for regional store chains wanting to be bigger and expand to governmental


~Bloom: Don’t spend money on things you don’t need, for example my mansion, No need for them.

Only invest in the things that will make you more money starting off and invest in things

that will later get you profit like automated factories or plots in cities

Bloom now owns one of the biggest companies and the biggest budget storechain on HM. With

a company that was merely worth 14.000 Forsals to a company thats now one of the biggest

with around 1.5 Million Forsals ~Bloom tries to renovate and change the HelloMiners economy.

So, should you go and make a shopping trip in Fresco at /warp rc or in your hometown?

Yes, you really should because it’s a great price for what you get!

~ Cactitheplant (Our recently recruited journalist)

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